2013年8月31日 星期六

電磁相容 EMC


Chapter 1
Section 1-1 (.pdf--381K)  (update2006.10.02)  
   Introduce the basic concept about Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC regulations summary.
Section 1-2 (.pdf--1225K)  (update2003.07.10)  
   Introduce "EMC System Test", such as EMI (radiated emission / conducted emission) or EMS.
Section 1-3  (.pdf--793K)  (update2006.10.02)  
   Introduce IEC "Impulse Immunity Test", such as ESDEFTSurge .
Section 1-4  (.pdf--280K)  (update2003.07.10)  
   Introducing IEC "RF Immunity Test", such as "CS" and "RS" test.
Section 1-5  (.pdf--960K)  (update2003.07.10) 
   Introducing IC Immunity Test, such as ESD and Latch-up.
Chapter 2 (.pdf--650K)  (update2003.08.15)  
Introduce some basic principles or concepts in EMC and high-speed circuit design field.
Chapter 3 (.pdf--912K)  (update2003.07.16) 
Introduce all about "Earthing and Grounding".
Chapter 4 (.pdf--621K) (update2003.07.13) 
Introduce about "Shielding and Bonding".
Chapter 5 (.pdf--291K) (update2003.07.13) 
Introduce about "Filters". 
Chapter 6 
Section 6-1 (.pdf--1097K) (update2003.07.16) 
   Introduce about "Cables, Connectors, and Gaskets".
Section 6-2 (.pdf--490K) (update2006.10.15) 
   Introduce about "Components".
Chapter 7 (.pdf--753K) (update2006.10.15) 
Introduce some EMC concerns in digital circuit design.
Chapter 8 (.pdf--1220K) (update2003.07.13) 
Introduce general ESD strategies in IC and system design levels.

Lesson 1 -- 論文研討:去耦合電容的最佳擺放方式 (2007.09.08 原文出處
Lesson 2 -- 論文研討:全系統去耦合電容值的選擇 (2008.01.21)    原文出處
Lesson 3 -- 論文研討:PCB割地對系統ESD是好是壞? 近來看看保證收穫 (2007.11.20) 原文出處
Lesson 4 -- 論文研討:Differential Pair與參考平面的關係 (2007) 原文出處


EMC and Test參考書籍
[1] "Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems", Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., 1988
      -- 早期談雜訊與電磁相容的聖經, 目前國內已經買不到了, 可以去圖書館借或從亞馬遜訂。
[2] "Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility -- Principles, Measurements, and Technologies", V. Prasad Kodali, 1996
      -- 對於EMC測試方法與環境, 有詳細深入的介紹。是目前談EMC的書中, 有介紹Shield effectiveness量測方法與TEM Cell的。
[3] "Electromagnetic Compatibility", Jasper J. Goedbloed, 1992
[4] "EMI Troubleshooting Techniques", Michel Mardiguian, 2000
      -- 談電磁相容防治技術的好書。
[5] " Testing for EMC Compliance : Approaches and Techniques", Mark I. MontroseEdward M. Nakauchi, 2004
      -- Mark I. Montrose第四本書,很有系統的講述EMC對策實務分析技巧,包含近場探棒的製作...壓箱技術大公開         全華有出中譯本[EMC電磁相容測試與對策技術],推薦大家買來看。(大陸中譯本由"機械工業出版社"出版
[6] "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits", Sonia Ben Dh i a, Mohamed Ramdani and Etienne Sicard, 2006 
[7] "Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility", Clayton R. Paul, 2nd, 2006 
[8] "Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility", Taylor & Francis Group, 2nd, 2007 
PCB concerned EMC and SI (Signal Integrity)參考書籍
[10] "Principles of electromagnetic compatibility", Keiser, Bernhard, 3rd ed., 1987
, 1996
[12] "EMC and the printed circuit boarddesign, theory, and layout made simple", Mark I. Montrose., 1998
      -- 以上兩本是談印刷電路板佈局技術的聖經, 書中有許多數據與佈線規則可參考。
[13] "Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design", Douglas Brooks, 2003 
本書不但有中文簡體翻譯版本,其內容精華,作者還有放在網路上 UltraCAD Design, Inc大家可以去下載來看看
High-Speed and SI 參考書籍
[20] "High-Speed Digital DesignA Handbook of Black Magic", Johnson, Howard W. and Martin Graham , 1993
      -- 談高速電路設計的聖經。
[21] "High-Speed Signal PropagationAdvanced Black Magic", Johnson, Howard W., 2003 
      -- Johnson, Howard W. 2003全新著作. 作者並將其著作內容上網, 可供查閱
[25] "Substrate NoiseAnalysis and Optimization for IC Design", Edoardo Charbon / ..., 2001
[26] "Cross-talk noise immune VLSI design using regular layout fabrics", Khatri, Sunil P. ..., 2001
[27] "Analysis and Solutions for Switching Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs", Xavier A. ..., 1999
[30] IEC / MIL-STD / JEDEC standards.
[37] "EMC(電磁兼容)設計與測試案例分析", 鄭軍奇 編著, 電子工業出版社, 2006
[38] "常見雜訊測試與對策", 李世興 編譯, 全華, 2001/01
介紹一些常見的測試規範, 雜訊量測與對策, 圖解詳細, 非常適合初學者入門。
[39] "高速數位電路設計暨雜訊防治技術", 謝金明 編著, 初版二刷, 全華, 2000/11
        -- 這本書清楚描述很多高速電路設計與電磁干擾防治的重要觀念, 值得一讀.
作者現任安傑倫副總(從經理升到副總只花三年,蠻厲害的一個人物), 偶爾在交大自強基金會開課, 講課生動有趣 !
[40] "電子電路零組件應用手冊", 張西川 編譯, 再版七刷, 全華, 1994/05
        -- 如果你搞不清楚電解電容/陶瓷電容/鉭質電容/積層電容/聚乙酯電容的差別與應用時機, 趕快去買來看看吧 ...


