微生物專家卡謝菲(Kazem Kashefi)及電子工程師布朗(Adam Brown)發現一種「耐金屬貪銅菌」(Cupriavidus metallidurans),它能夠把自然界中的劇毒液體氯化金「消化」成純金。卡謝菲表示,這種細菌在對抗劇毒時異常強壯,比過去所認為的強上25倍。
Scientists Create Gold From Bacteria - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.
Professors at Michigan State University have found that a certain bacteria can hold up against high toxicity levels to create 24 carat gold. They have created an art installation titled 'The Great Work of the Metal Lover,' that uses principles of alchemy to turn the toxic liquid gold into a gold nugget using the bacteria.
In an effort to reproduce what they believe happens in nature, the researchers gave the bacteria lots of liquid gold chloride in a glass bioreactor and after about a week, it turned into 24 carat gold. They then created a series of prints with some of the bacterial gold on them that was made in the bioreactor.
"Microbial alchemy is what we're doing -- transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that's valuable," said Kazem Kashefi, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics who worked on the project with Adam Brown, associate professor of electronic art and intermedia at Michigan State University.
The process is cost prohibitive for mass gold production but the research leads wanted to spur questions on science, environment, and greed.
細菌下金蛋 點水成金不是夢
研究共同撰文者、安大略麥馬斯特大學(McMasterUniversity)的馬加維(Nathan Magarvey)告訴法新社,這項研究目的,不是想展現在實驗室裡用細菌點水成金是否可行。
化學家常常在想,為何小金塊的表面常發現代爾夫特食酸菌(Delftia acidovorans)。代夫特食酸菌的存在讓科學家推測,或許能用這種細菌,從水溶金、也就是溶於水的金離子裡,製造出粒子。
加拿大研究人員認為,問題的答案,就藏在代爾夫特食酸菌排出的分子「代爾夫肌動蛋白 A」(delftibactin A)裡,它不僅能為有機體提供屏障,還能將有毒離子轉化成粒子。
他們在「自然化學生物」(Nature ChemicalBiology)期刊撰文指出:「這項發現首度顯示分泌的代謝物可抵禦有毒性的金,造成黃金生物礦化作用。」所謂的生物礦化作用,就是生物體內形成礦物的過程。
在酸鹼平衡的室溫狀態,代爾夫肌動蛋白 A短短幾秒就能點水成金。
研究共同撰文者、安大略麥馬斯特大學(McMasterUniversity)的馬加維(Nathan Magarvey)告訴法新社,這項研究目的,不是想展現在實驗室裡用細菌點水成金是否可行。