國外媒體報導 近日,以色列科學家開發出一種鐳射焊接術來縫合病人手術後的傷口,這樣可使皮膚和內部組織癒合得更快。不久的將來,醫生為病人做完手術後,不是用針線為他們縫合傷口,而是用鐳射焊接術使傷口縫合。以色列特拉維夫大學亞伯拉罕-卡茨爾教授領導的研究小組負責這一研究。
醫務救護人員可以把這種新的技術應用到事故現場,使救護病人的傷口更快更安全的癒合。 新方法與傳統的縫合術相比能減少疤痕,並能更好地保護傷口,使傷口免受感染。研究人員認為將一方法將在整形外科和戰場上發揮用武之地。在整形外科方面,新技術可以為全世界的愛美人士帶來福音;未來戰場上,士兵可以使用雷射器進行相互救治,從而大大減少戰爭傷亡,提高戰鬥能力。
Laser Tissue Bonding
Abstract Scientific Research
Laser heating can be used to bond tissues. The exact mechanism of such laser welding or solding is not fully understood, but it has been found that it is critically dependent on the temperature of the tissue to be bond. We have developed a bonding system based on two optical fibers. One fiber is used to carry laser energy to heat a spot on tissue. The other fiber is part of a fiberoptic radiometer that is being used to determine the exact temperature of the heated spot. A computerized system makes use of the signal obtained from the radiometer to control the temperature. The temperature of a spot on a living tissue can be controlled to within 3°C .
We have conducted theoretical and experimental studied of the heating of tissues by both CO2 laser (10.6µm) and GaAs diode laser(830nm). We found the optimal laser soldering conditions for cuts in tissues. Histological studies showed better results than standard suturing of cuts. Research is being continued now with different configuration of the laser soldering system in order to expend the capability of the system to solder tissues which we couldn't bond in the previous system configuration. In addition, research is being conducted on the soldering.
Selected Recent Applications:
Laparoscopic Laser Soldering of Ureter
We have developed a fiberopic CO2 laser system designed to operate through a rigid or a flexible endoscope. We tested the system for the laparoscopic repair of Ureteral Pelvic Junction obstructions in the porcine model. The system worked well in a complicated surgical procedure and in a difficult environment, in the presence of blood and urine. The experiments in all pigs were successful, there were no any significant complications, and we obtained good physiologic and anatomic results. This is the first time that such a system has been used for endoscopic laser bonding of tissues in animal models.
Repair of Dura by Laser Soldering
We have developed a novel technique for dural reconstruction. This technique involves the soldering of a fascia patch to dura, and it would be useful for closing cuts or holes in the dura. The mean burst pressure was roughly 190 mm Hg, in comparison to the maximal pressure of CSF liquid in the brain, which is 15 mm Hg. A series of experiments on pig corpses clearly demonstrated that the method is very suitable for dural reconstruction. Long-term in vivo experiments were then successfully carried out on farm pigs. The animals were observed for a period of 10 days and no complications were noted. The histopathological results did not show any sign of thermal damage to the soldered tissue or to the underlying brain.
Laser Welding of the Skin
Skin laser soldering research is carried out by our group for several years. We already successfully soldered rat, rabbit and farm pig skin in-vivo. We now conduct a clinical trial on human skin in a after gall bladder laparotomy at HaEmek Hospital (Afula).
We have developed a fiberopic CO2 laser system designed to operate through a rigid or a flexible endoscope. We tested the system for the laparoscopic repair of Ureteral Pelvic Junction obstructions in the porcine model. The system worked well in a complicated surgical procedure and in a difficult environment, in the presence of blood and urine. The experiments in all pigs were successful, there were no any significant complications, and we obtained good physiologic and anatomic results. This is the first time that such a system has been used for endoscopic laser bonding of tissues in animal models.
Repair of Dura by Laser Soldering
We have developed a novel technique for dural reconstruction. This technique involves the soldering of a fascia patch to dura, and it would be useful for closing cuts or holes in the dura. The mean burst pressure was roughly 190 mm Hg, in comparison to the maximal pressure of CSF liquid in the brain, which is 15 mm Hg. A series of experiments on pig corpses clearly demonstrated that the method is very suitable for dural reconstruction. Long-term in vivo experiments were then successfully carried out on farm pigs. The animals were observed for a period of 10 days and no complications were noted. The histopathological results did not show any sign of thermal damage to the soldered tissue or to the underlying brain.
Laser Welding of the Skin
Skin laser soldering research is carried out by our group for several years. We already successfully soldered rat, rabbit and farm pig skin in-vivo. We now conduct a clinical trial on human skin in a after gall bladder laparotomy at HaEmek Hospital (Afula).
Project Information
Surgical cuts may be bonded if heated by a laser beam. There are two main methods of laser tissue bonding: 1. Laser welding that based on heating of the approximated edges of a tissue ; 2. Laser soldering that based on applying some soldering material (such as albumin) onto the edges of the incision and heating the solder (and the underlying tissues) by a laser beam. One might unify both these techniques. Both laser welding and laser soldering are inherently non-tactile techniques, welding does not involve a foreign body (i.e. sutures, clips, staples or synthetic glues) and soldering engages a solder substance only. Both procedures offer, in principle, many advantages with respect to standard techniques: (1) a watertight bond; (2) a faster wound healing process; (3) potentially reduced scar formation; (4) easier accessibility to some specific areas in a body and (5) a procedure is both faster to apply and easier to master.
Even though laser soldering of tissue seems like a promising tissue bonding technique, it has problems that prevent it from being accepted as a common clinical practice. One of the main problems that should to be addressed is temperature control of bonded area. Another issue is reproducibility of the procedure. In order to achieve the satisfactory results, optimal soldering parameters have to be predetermined (i.e. laser power, temperature, solder type/thickness/concentration and so on). Further more, the use of this system in endoscopic application is limited by the dimension and configuration of the system.
In earlier work we found that to obtain reliable and strong bonding of cuts in tissues one has to apply biological solder, such as albumin, and heat the tissues under temperature control to roughly 60-65°C. The Applied Physics Group at Tel Aviv University has developed a several fiberoptic laser systems which can heat a spot on tissue (or on a solder layer) and keep its temperature constant to within 3-5°C. The principles of all of our systems are as follows:
(a) Laser Based Heating: The laser (either CO2 laser or GaAs Diode laser or both) output power is
coupled to a fiber whose distal end is fixed in a hand-piece. The laser energy absorbs either in the
solder or in the tissue and rise its temperature.
(b) Temperature Monitoring: The heated spot emits infrared radiation, whose intensity I is proportional
to the temperature - T of the heated spot (according to Stefan-Boltzman law). For modest heating
(less than 100°C) most of the radiation is in the mid-IR. This radiation is picked up by a AgClBr fiber
("sensor" fiber") and transmits to a pyroelectric IR detector. The signal V generates by the detector is
proportional to the temperature T. The temperature measurements are carried out by this fiberoptic
infrared radiometer in a non-contact fashion.
(c) Temperature Control: The signal V is read by a PC. A dedicated computer program is used to
determine the temperature T. The PC modifies the laser power in order to maintain the predetermined
set-point temperature. The temperature controlled laser soldering system is depicted schematically in
the following picture.
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Those systems have already been successfully used for laser soldering of different tissue types, including skin (1), cornea(2), conjunctiva, trachea(3,4), bowel(5), urinary bladder(6), ureter(7), blood vessels(8) and dura(9,10). Examples of our work on bowel (movie 1) and conjunctiva (movie 2) is presented below.
• 1994-2000: urinary bladder welding and soldering (in vitro and in vivo, CO2) in rats and rabbits
• 1997: ocular tissue (cornea and choroid) welding (in vitro and in vivo, CO2) pig
• 2001-2004: skin soldering (in vivo, CO2 and GaAs), rat, rabbit pig. A clinical trial is permitted.
• 2001: closure of arteriotomy incisions in femoral vein of rat (in vivo, CO2 )
• 2002: laparoscopic procedure for repair of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in the porcine model
(in vivo, CO2)
• 2004: end-to-end small bowel anastomoses in rabbit model
• 2005: pig trachea soldering using flexible albumin bands (in vitro, CO2 and GaAs)
• 2005: reconstruction of dural defects by laser soldering of fascia patches to dura in porcine model
(in vivo, CO2)
• 2006: end-to-end colon anastomoses (in vivo, CO2; in vitro, GaAs)
• 2006: end-to-end conjunctiva soldering ( in vitro, GaAs)
Current Research• 1997: ocular tissue (cornea and choroid) welding (in vitro and in vivo, CO2) pig
• 2001-2004: skin soldering (in vivo, CO2 and GaAs), rat, rabbit pig. A clinical trial is permitted.
• 2001: closure of arteriotomy incisions in femoral vein of rat (in vivo, CO2 )
• 2002: laparoscopic procedure for repair of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in the porcine model
(in vivo, CO2)
• 2004: end-to-end small bowel anastomoses in rabbit model
• 2005: pig trachea soldering using flexible albumin bands (in vitro, CO2 and GaAs)
• 2005: reconstruction of dural defects by laser soldering of fascia patches to dura in porcine model
(in vivo, CO2)
• 2006: end-to-end colon anastomoses (in vivo, CO2; in vitro, GaAs)
• 2006: end-to-end conjunctiva soldering ( in vitro, GaAs)
• Human clinical trials of skin cut soldering.
• Setting up new principle based temperature controlled laser soldering system.
• Tissue bonding mechanism research.
• Albumin characterization.
• Fiber optic based laser tissue ablation system.
References• Setting up new principle based temperature controlled laser soldering system.
• Tissue bonding mechanism research.
• Albumin characterization.
• Fiber optic based laser tissue ablation system.
1. Simhon, D., Halpern, M., Brosh, T., Vasilyev, T., Ravid, A., Tennenbaum, T., Nevo, Z., and Katzir,
A., "immediate tight sealing of skin incisions using an innovative temperature controlled laser
soldering device: in-vivo study in porcine skin," Ann.Surg., vol. 245, no. 2, pp. 206-213, 2007
2. Strassmann, E., Loya, N., Gaton, D., Ravid, A., Kariv, N., Weinberger, D., and Katzir, A.,
"temperature controlled CO2 laser soldering of pig cornea," Proc.SPIE, vol. 4609, pp. 222-228, 2002.
3. Shapira, L., Rabi, Y., Vasserman, I., Vasilyev, T., Sharvit, D., Hardy, A., and Katzir, A., "icg dyed
albumin and diode laser heating for soldering of the trachea," Proc.SPIE, vol. 6078, pp. 172-176,
4. Sharvit, D., Vasilyev, T., Vasserman, I., Simhon, D., Kariv, N., DeRowe, A., and Katzir, A., "CO2
temperature controlled laser soldering of pig trachea incisions in vitro using flexible albumin bands,"
Proc.SPIE, vol. 5686, pp. 242-247, 2005.
5. Simhon, D., Kopelman, D., Hashmonai, M., Vasserman, I., Dror, M., Vasilyev, T., Halpern, M.,
Kariv, N., and Katzir, A., "end-to-end small bowel anastomosis by temperature controlled CO2 laser
soldering and an albumin stent - a feasibility study," Proc.SPIE, vol. 5312, pp. 176-185, 2004.
6. Lobel, B., Eyal, O., Kariv, N., and Katzir, A., "temperature controlled CO2 laser welding of soft
tissues: urinary bladder welding in different animal models (rats, rabbits, and cats)," Lasers Surg.Med.,
vol. 26, pp. 4-12, 2000.
7. Shumalinsky, D., Lobik, L, Cytron, S., Halpern, M., Vasilyev, T., Ravid, A., and Katzir, A.,
"laparoscopic laser soldering for repair of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in the porcine model,"
J.of Endourology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 177-181, 2004.
8. Leshem, D., Vasilyev, T., Ravid, A., Gat, A., Kariv, N., Katzir, A., and Gur, E., "CO2 laser soldering
of arteriotomy incisions in blood vessels of rats, using a temperature-controlled fiber optic system,"
Proc.SPIE, vol. 4949, pp. 199 -206, 2003.
9. B. Forer, T. Vasilyev, T. Brosh, N. Kariv, Z. Gil, D. M. Fliss, and A. Katzir. Repair of Pig Dura In
Vivo Using Temperature Controlled CO2 Laser Soldering. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 37 (4):286-
292, 2005.
10. B. Forer, T. Vasilyev, T. Brosh, N. Kariv, L.L. Trejo, Z. Gil, A. Katzir and D. M. Fliss. Dural defect
repair with fascia by a CO2 laser system in a porcine model. Laryngoscope. 116(6), pp.1002-6, 2006.
A., "immediate tight sealing of skin incisions using an innovative temperature controlled laser
soldering device: in-vivo study in porcine skin," Ann.Surg., vol. 245, no. 2, pp. 206-213, 2007
2. Strassmann, E., Loya, N., Gaton, D., Ravid, A., Kariv, N., Weinberger, D., and Katzir, A.,
"temperature controlled CO2 laser soldering of pig cornea," Proc.SPIE, vol. 4609, pp. 222-228, 2002.
3. Shapira, L., Rabi, Y., Vasserman, I., Vasilyev, T., Sharvit, D., Hardy, A., and Katzir, A., "icg dyed
albumin and diode laser heating for soldering of the trachea," Proc.SPIE, vol. 6078, pp. 172-176,
4. Sharvit, D., Vasilyev, T., Vasserman, I., Simhon, D., Kariv, N., DeRowe, A., and Katzir, A., "CO2
temperature controlled laser soldering of pig trachea incisions in vitro using flexible albumin bands,"
Proc.SPIE, vol. 5686, pp. 242-247, 2005.
5. Simhon, D., Kopelman, D., Hashmonai, M., Vasserman, I., Dror, M., Vasilyev, T., Halpern, M.,
Kariv, N., and Katzir, A., "end-to-end small bowel anastomosis by temperature controlled CO2 laser
soldering and an albumin stent - a feasibility study," Proc.SPIE, vol. 5312, pp. 176-185, 2004.
6. Lobel, B., Eyal, O., Kariv, N., and Katzir, A., "temperature controlled CO2 laser welding of soft
tissues: urinary bladder welding in different animal models (rats, rabbits, and cats)," Lasers Surg.Med.,
vol. 26, pp. 4-12, 2000.
7. Shumalinsky, D., Lobik, L, Cytron, S., Halpern, M., Vasilyev, T., Ravid, A., and Katzir, A.,
"laparoscopic laser soldering for repair of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in the porcine model,"
J.of Endourology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 177-181, 2004.
8. Leshem, D., Vasilyev, T., Ravid, A., Gat, A., Kariv, N., Katzir, A., and Gur, E., "CO2 laser soldering
of arteriotomy incisions in blood vessels of rats, using a temperature-controlled fiber optic system,"
Proc.SPIE, vol. 4949, pp. 199 -206, 2003.
9. B. Forer, T. Vasilyev, T. Brosh, N. Kariv, Z. Gil, D. M. Fliss, and A. Katzir. Repair of Pig Dura In
Vivo Using Temperature Controlled CO2 Laser Soldering. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 37 (4):286-
292, 2005.
10. B. Forer, T. Vasilyev, T. Brosh, N. Kariv, L.L. Trejo, Z. Gil, A. Katzir and D. M. Fliss. Dural defect
repair with fascia by a CO2 laser system in a porcine model. Laryngoscope. 116(6), pp.1002-6, 2006.

A new laser technique from TAU seals and heals wounds
Not much has changed in the last 2,000 years when it comes to suturing together cuts and wounds. Even with microsurgery techniques, infection and permanent scarring remain major concerns. To minimize these dangers, doctors tried using a carbon dioxide laser to seal wounds, but without the ability to control the heat of the laser, the technique created even greater risks. Until now.
Using carbon dioxide lasers to seal wounds inside the body and out with a technique known as “laser welding,” a team of Tel Aviv University researchers have perfected a new device to heat body tissue in a precisely controlled manner. The work of the research team, headed by Prof. Abraham Katzir from TAU’s Applied Physics Group in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University,
Using carbon dioxide lasers to seal wounds inside the body and out with a technique known as “laser welding,” a team of Tel Aviv University researchers have perfected a new device to heat body tissue in a precisely controlled manner. The work of the research team, headed by Prof. Abraham Katzir from TAU’s Applied Physics Group in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University,
could change the way surgeons bond cuts on the surface of our skin and inside our bodies during surgery.
With the new device, if the laser begins to overheat and risks burning the tissue, laser power is reduced, and if the temperature is too low to complete a closure, laser power in increased appropriately.
Getting the Temperature Just Right
Earlier attempts to use carbon dioxide lasers for bonding of cuts in the operating room or in clinics were not very successful. Causing thermal damage, the lasers either “undercooked” or “overcooked” the patient’s delicate tissues.
Prof. Katzir set out to find the right temperature for optimal wound healing, and to perfect a device that could maintain this temperature. He is the first to apply the carbon dioxide laser, coupled to optical fibers, for wound closure under a tight temperature control. His innovation is in the use of unique optical fibers made from silver halide developed at Tel Aviv University. The fibers deliver the laser’s energy to heat the bonded cut and are used for controlling the temperature. They also make it possible to bond tissues inside the body.
“Sutures or stitches are not water tight, and blood or urine can pass through cuts, causing severe infection,” he says. “Also, in many cases, a surgeon needs great skill to perform internal stitching, or in bonding tiny blood vessels, or in mending cuts on the skin so there will be no trace left on the body.”
Inside and Out
Prof. Katzir and his colleagues have carried out successful clinical trials on people undergoing gall bladder removal surgery. At the close of the surgery, four cuts were left on the skin of the abdomen, two of which were sutured and two laser-bonded. The results of the trials suggest that the laser-bonded tissues heal faster, with less scarring.
Successful preliminary experiments demonstrated that the new technique can be used to bond cuts on the cornea, bladder, intestines, blood vessels or trachea. It may also be used for bonding tissues inside the body on organs such as the kidney, and even in brain surgery. Perfect for healing soft tissues, the laser may prevent an enormous amount of trauma when used for closing internal wounds.
Heading for the FDA
Working with the permission of Israel’s Ministry of Health, the team will soon be treating longer cuts, such as in the case of hernia operations, and is expected to apply to the FDA in the U.S. for larger-scale trials. If successful in these larger tests, the basic research could be developed into a commercial product within a few years.
“We think plastic surgeons will especially love this invention. Bonding tissues that heal well without scarring is a true art that few people possess,” says Prof. Katzir. This method, he says, will be much easier to master than suturing and will generate a watertight bond, preventing infections and accelerating healing.
“It could also become a device for the battlefield, allowing soldiers to heal each other on contact with a laser wand,” says Prof. Katzir, who currently holds the Carol and Mel Taub Chair in Applied Medical Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University.
Getting the Temperature Just Right
Earlier attempts to use carbon dioxide lasers for bonding of cuts in the operating room or in clinics were not very successful. Causing thermal damage, the lasers either “undercooked” or “overcooked” the patient’s delicate tissues.
Prof. Katzir set out to find the right temperature for optimal wound healing, and to perfect a device that could maintain this temperature. He is the first to apply the carbon dioxide laser, coupled to optical fibers, for wound closure under a tight temperature control. His innovation is in the use of unique optical fibers made from silver halide developed at Tel Aviv University. The fibers deliver the laser’s energy to heat the bonded cut and are used for controlling the temperature. They also make it possible to bond tissues inside the body.
“Sutures or stitches are not water tight, and blood or urine can pass through cuts, causing severe infection,” he says. “Also, in many cases, a surgeon needs great skill to perform internal stitching, or in bonding tiny blood vessels, or in mending cuts on the skin so there will be no trace left on the body.”
Inside and Out
Prof. Katzir and his colleagues have carried out successful clinical trials on people undergoing gall bladder removal surgery. At the close of the surgery, four cuts were left on the skin of the abdomen, two of which were sutured and two laser-bonded. The results of the trials suggest that the laser-bonded tissues heal faster, with less scarring.
Successful preliminary experiments demonstrated that the new technique can be used to bond cuts on the cornea, bladder, intestines, blood vessels or trachea. It may also be used for bonding tissues inside the body on organs such as the kidney, and even in brain surgery. Perfect for healing soft tissues, the laser may prevent an enormous amount of trauma when used for closing internal wounds.
Heading for the FDA
Working with the permission of Israel’s Ministry of Health, the team will soon be treating longer cuts, such as in the case of hernia operations, and is expected to apply to the FDA in the U.S. for larger-scale trials. If successful in these larger tests, the basic research could be developed into a commercial product within a few years.
“We think plastic surgeons will especially love this invention. Bonding tissues that heal well without scarring is a true art that few people possess,” says Prof. Katzir. This method, he says, will be much easier to master than suturing and will generate a watertight bond, preventing infections and accelerating healing.
“It could also become a device for the battlefield, allowing soldiers to heal each other on contact with a laser wand,” says Prof. Katzir, who currently holds the Carol and Mel Taub Chair in Applied Medical Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University.
Wound Healing 发布人 SMIRAMIS150