2014年3月13日 星期四

伊莎奧義書(自在奧義書īśa upaniṣad)

   自在奧義書(IAST:īśa upaniṣad,或譯為伊莎奧義書)婆羅門教奧義書中最短的之一,全書只有17至18頌。其名字「īśā」意為「出自神靈的」,「出自至高者的」或「精神的」(該詞在佛教中的意思即「自在」)。



Note: 心靈哲學禪修或瑜珈行者寶典
  1. 宇宙中一切所動者,皆為伊沙所含攝。以不執著之心來享受;不要貪婪他人的財富。
  2. 今生今世唯有盡職盡責,如此,吾人方願活上百年,除此之外,一切的業力都將造成心靈上的污染。
  3. 世俗世界為無明的黑暗所覆蓋,凡殘害自性者都會墮入此暗無天日的世界裡。
  4. 自性為一,且如如不動,比心靈還要迅速;它疾行於前,非感覺之所能及。它越過移動者,卻仍保持如如不動。風兒因它而吹動浮雲。
  5. 彼動靜一如,彼既遠又近,在一切之內,又居其外。
  6. 見山河大地都在自性中,自性也在宇宙萬有裡,斯人將無憎恨。
  7. 當吾人了悟萬有皆化為自性,見萬物皆為一體,何複妄想、迷惑與憂傷。
  8. 遍及一切處,彼為光明,無形無象,完美無疵,一體不可分割,純淨,邪惡所不能侵,無所不見,無所不知,超越一切,本自存在。它永恆監臨一切生靈之行業。
  9. 耽迷於幻覺妄想者,墮入無明之黑暗。完全執著於靈性知識者,投身於更大之黑暗。
  10. 一者得自知識,二者得自幻覺。如是我聞自所受教之哲人。
  11. 靈性的知識與無明的幻覺,了知此二者之人,即能經由此二者而擊潰死亡,享受永恆不朽的喜悅。
  12. 沉醉於大千世界者進入無明的黑暗,而執著於沒有顯示形象的大神力則陷入更大的黑暗。
  13. 一者得自己顯示的至上本體,另者得自未顯示的至上本體。如是我聞自所受教之哲人。
  14. 了悟已顯示與未顯示的至上本體者,由未顯示的無生而克服了死亡,由已顯示的萬象而克享永恆。
  15. 真理的面目為金色的遮幕所掩蔽。揭開這層覆蓋,顯示出真理——讓獻身於真理的人看眼吧!
  16. 呵,至上的養育者,視萬物為一體的哲人,至上的控制者,至上的太陽,至上的祖先,凝聚您的光芒,收斂您的光輝,我乃能見您最神聖的一面,此人彼稱之為那個那個就是我!
  17. 讓我的氣息回歸到永恆的生命能量裡,我的軀體回歸至灰燼中。記住啊心靈,記住永恆的唵,記住我往昔的行為,記住往昔的行為。
  18. 至上之大啊!以至善之路引導我至善果。火神!您了知一切的行為,把我從虛偽的錯誤中移開。向您,我獻上無限虔誠的祝語。

  1. 世界上一切動者,俱為主宰所遮翳;安于棄世苦修,而不貪求他人所有。
  2. 此間不懈地致力於其業,世人則可期望享壽百年;惟有此道,而非他途,業不附麗於人。
  3. 為幽暗所籠罩的諸界,為阿修羅諸界;世人亡故後皆歸之;此時,其中之業已消泯。
  4. 此乃非動者、唯一者,捷於思;為感覺所不可及,它置身於感覺之前。它佇立不動,卻超越迅跑者;摩多利首賦之以行為。
  5. 它動,它又不動;它遠,它又近。它在於一切之內,它又在於一切之外。
  6. 誰在中見萬物,則在萬物中見便再無所畏懼。
  7. 對有識者說來成為萬物,見此獨一者複有何困惑和憂愁呢?
  8. 他遍及諸域,光明,無軀體,無傷,無筋脈,純潔,不為惡所害。無所不知,可思,無所不在,自在自存,配置萬物,使得各得其所,一勞永逸。
  9. 崇尚無知者,則陷於無明。因知而怡然自得者,則似陷於尤為無明的境地。
  10. 據說,這確有異於知,又有異於無知,——智者便如此向我們講述。
  11. 知此兩者——知與無知,則可憑藉無知超越死亡,憑藉知獲致永生。
  12. 崇尚非顯現者,則陷於無明。因顯現而怡然自得者,則似陷於尤為無明的境地。
  13. 據說,此有異於顯現,又有異於非顯現,——智者便如此向我們講述。
  14. 知此兩者——顯現與非顯現,則可憑藉毀滅超越死亡,憑藉顯現獲致永生。
  15. 真實者之面為金盤所覆蓋。你,普善,為我這崇尚真實者予以揭示,以使我可見之。
  16. 噢,普善,唯一的仙人,閻摩、蘇利耶,生主之子,聚集其光輝,普照四方。我目睹你那光輝熠熠的形象,我是居於彼處之普魯莎。
  17. 願生命納入永生的氣息,而該軀體則在灰燼中尋得終結。唵!切記已完成者!切記已完成者!
  18. 噢,阿耆尼!將我們引上正道,臻于功行圓滿,噢,尊神,識途者。惑人之罪遠離我們。我們對你百般讚頌。 

Isa Upanishad

  1. All this—whatever exists in this changing universe—should be covered by the Lord. Protect the Self by renunciation. Lust not after any man's wealth. 
  2. If a man wishes to live a hundred years on this earth, he should live performing action. For you, who cherish such a desire and regard yourself as a man, there is no other way by which you can keep work from clinging to you. 
  3. Verily, those worlds of the asuras are enveloped in blind darkness; and thereto they all repair after death who are slayers of Atman. 
  4. That non—dual Atman, though never stirring, is swifter than the mind. The senses cannot reach It, for It moves ever in front. Though standing still, It overtakes others who are running. Because of Atman, Vayu, the World Soul apportions the activities of all. 
  5. It moves and moves not; It is far and likewise near. It is inside all this and It is outside all this. 
  6. The wise man beholds all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings; for that reason he does not hate anyone. 
  7. To the seer, all things have verily become the Self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who beholds that oneness? 
  8. It is He who pervades all—He who is bright and bodiless, without scar or sinews, pure and by evil unpierced; who is the Seer, omniscient, transcendent and uncreated. He has duly allotted to the eternal World—Creators their respective duties. 
  9. Into a blind darkness they enter who are devoted to ignorance (rituals); but into a greater darkness they enter who engage in knowledge of a deity alone. 
  10. One thing, they say, is obtained from knowledge; another, they say, from ignorance. Thus we have heard from the wise who have taught us this. 
  11. He who is aware that both knowledge and ignorance should be pursued together, overcomes death through ignorance and obtains immortality through knowledge. 
  12. Into a blind darkness they enter who worship only the unmanifested prakriti; but into a greater darkness they enter who worship the manifested Hiranyagarbha.
  13. One thing, they say, is obtained from the worship of the manifested; another, they say, from the worship of the unmanifested. Thus we have heard from the wise who taught us this. 
  14. He who knows that both the unmanifested prakriti and the manifested Hiranyagarbha should be worshipped together, overcomes death by the worship of Hiranyagarbha and obtains immortality through devotion to prakriti. 
  15. The door of the Truth is covered by a golden disc. Open it, O Nourisher! Remove it so that I who have been worshipping the Truth may behold It. 
  16. O Nourisher, lone Traveller of the sky! Controller! O Sun, Offspring of Prajapati! Gather Your rays; withdraw Your light. I would see, through Your grace, that form of Yours which is the fairest. I am indeed He, that Purusha, who dwells there. 
  17.  Now may my breath return to the all—pervading, immortal Prana! May this body be burnt to ashes! Om. O mind, remember, remember all that I have done. 
  18. O Fire, lead us by the good path for the enjoyment of the fruit of our action. You know, O god, all our deeds. Destroy our sin of deceit. We offer, by words, our salutations to you.


