2010年3月31日 星期三

ButterflyMP3 Documentation

作者: http://www.brokentoaster.com/butterflymp3/docs/index.html

ButterflyMP3 Documentation

Copyright (C) 2004 Nick Lott <brokentoaster@users.sf.net> http://butterflymp3.sf.net/This is a simple MP3 player based around the AVR Butterfly.It currently uses a VS1001 mp3 decoder, MMC card and Nokia LCD. It has been heavily influenced by the Yampp system by Jesper Hansen <jesperh@telia.com>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Target(s)...: ATmega169
Compiler....: AVR-GCC 3.3.1; avr-libc 1.2

ButterflyMP3 File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
ADC.c [code]
ADC.h [code]
avrfat16.c [code]Fat16 Functions
avrfat16.h [code]Fat16 Functions
BCD.c [code]AVR Butterfly BCD conversion algorithms
BCD.h [code]
button.c [code]AVR Butterfly button handling routines
button.h [code]Butterfly MP3 Button Handling
delay.c [code]Delay functions
delay.h [code]Delay functions
eeprom.c [code]AVR Butterfly EEPROM routines
eeprom.h [code]AVR Butterfly EEPROM routines Target ATmega169
eeprom169.h [code]
font_ttuf1.h [code]
font_ttuf2.h [code]
fontset0.h [code]
LCD_driver.c [code]
LCD_driver.h [code]
LCD_functions.c [code]
LCD_functions.h [code]
lcdgraphics.c [code]Template for LCD MP3 Functions
lcdgraphics.h [code]LCD MP3 Functions
lcdgraphics_alpha.c [code]ALPHA LCD MP3 Functions
lcdgraphics_nokia.c [code]NOKIA LCD MP3 Functions
main.c [code]Butterfly MP3 main
main.h [code]Butterfly MP3 main
mmc.c [code]MultiMedia Card low level Functions
mmc.h [code]MultiMedia Card low level Functions
pcd8544.c [code]
pcd8544.h [code]PCD8544 Driver AVR-GCC Driver for the PCD8544 LCD Controller
pgmspacehlp.h [code]
power.c [code]Butterfly MP3 Power Routines
power.h [code]Butterfly MP3 Power Routines
testing.c [code]
testing.h [code]
timer0.c [code]AVR Butterfly Timer0 routines
timer0.h [code]AVR Butterfly Timer0 routines
types.h [code]Yampp type library
uart.c [code]Yampp Uart library
uart.h [code]Yampp Uart library
utils.c [code]
utils.h [code]Butterfly MP3 utility routines
vs1001.c [code]VS1001 interface library
vs1001.h [code]VS1001 interface library


