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這是一個小小科學實驗室,裡面有很多很多好玩且有趣的實驗,研究內容包羅萬象,放在此處,希望有志者能一起來研究討論! ______"閱讀本blogger最佳瀏覽器 用google Chrome"_______
2014年9月13日 星期六
2014年8月22日 星期五
2014年8月12日 星期二
2014年8月2日 星期六
Firefly-RK3288 Development Board To Support Android 4.4 and Lubuntu
Add RK32XX: Pipo P4 – 4.4.4 Edition 2014/08/18 update
We’ve already got a long list of upcoming Rockchip RK3288 based Android media players, but no low cost development boards have been announced to date. We can certainly expect a Radxa Rock 2 board with the Cortex A17 processor, but it might not be the only one, as Firefly-RK3288 development board powered by Rockchip RK3288 is currently being developed by another Chinese team.
Android 5.0下載地址
Q:Android 5.0下載?Android 5.0下載地址?
A:那麼該系統是在今日淩晨Google IO
2014大會上正式發佈出來的,但是該系統現在還不支援下載,預計會等到明天率先支援Nexus 5或是Nexus 7進行系統更新,至於網路中合適支援下載現在還不清楚,但是估計不會讓用戶等太久的。
那麼明天的Nexus 5或是Nexus 7系統更新會直接提示到用戶的手機當中,不用再找網路位址進行下載。那麼Android
ODROID-XU3 Development Board
Remember ODROID-XU2 development board based on Exynos 5420? The bad news is that it apparently got scrapped, but the good news is that it gave birth to ODROID-XU3 development board powered by the latest Samsung Exynos 5422 octa core big.LITTLE SoC with support for Ubuntu 14.04 and Android 4.4, including GPU 3D acceleration with the company promising a full desktop experience in Ubuntu.
大多數人生病領藥時,醫師都會提醒吃藥記得配溫開水,勿搭配果汁,特別是葡萄柚汁,以免藥效受到影響。發表於「加拿大醫學會期刊」(Canadian Medical Association Journa)的最新研究則進一步發現,隨著近年來許多新藥物的研發,葡萄柚的副作用也大增,在85種可與葡萄柚產生作用的藥物中,有43種具有危險性,嚴重甚至可能出現猝死、腎衰竭的問題。
根據美國《ABC NEWS》新聞網報導,在20年前首次發現藥物與葡萄柚會產生危險副作用的研究團隊,接下來在2008~2012年期間,也持續針對不斷上市的新藥物做研究,並發現服藥配葡萄柚會導致嚴重反應的藥物數量,從17種大增至43種,其中包括降膽固醇用的藥物阿托伐他汀(atorvastatin)、羅瓦斯達汀(lovastatin)、素果膜衣錠(simvastatin),以及部分癌症與心臟用藥。
2014年7月30日 星期三
2014年7月17日 星期四
Wireshark with EtherCAT debug
EtherCAT is an open, high performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs. The EtherCAT protocol is optimised for process data and is transported directly within the standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frame using Ethertype 0x88a4. It may consist of several sub-datagrams, each serving a particular memory area of the logical process images that can be up to 4 gigabytes in size. The data sequence is independent of the physical order of the nodes in the network; addressing can be in any order. Broadcast, multicast and communication between slaves are possible. If IP routing is required, the EtherCAT protocol can be inserted into UDP/IP or TCP/IP datagrams. This also enables any control with Ethernet protocol stack to address EtherCAT systems.
Build EtherLAB master kernel
EtherLAB developed an EtherCAT master software that runs as a Linux kernel module. As a result, it is far faster than user-space implementation. However, building the Ethercat Master implementation with a Linux kernel requires to build it using the appropriate kernel version. As we build it with PREEMPT-RT, we shall have the appropriate version for the kernel, the PREEMPT-RT patch and Etherlab. It seems that the 2.6.33 release of the kernel meet these requirements.
2014年7月11日 星期五
IEC 61800-7
Die IEC 61800-7 ist eine internationale Norm für eine universelle Schnittstelle für einen Antrieb mit variabler Drehzahl mit dem Titel "Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems". Sie wird von der International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) herausgegeben. In der Norm wird diese abstrakte, universelle Schnittstelle auf vier unterschiedliche Antriebsprofile abgebildet und diese werden wiederum auf unterschiedliche Kommunikationsprofile von Feldbussen undindustriellem Ethernet abgebildet.
2014年7月10日 星期四
Win 7停止支援倒數!!!
微軟今年4月停止支援Windows XP,成功帶動企業換機潮,讓個人電腦(PC)市場今年看到回春的跡象。不知是否食髓知味,近日再傳微軟將在明年1月13日前,停止對Windows 7的主流支援服務,延伸支援則到2020年。
2014年7月9日 星期三
Using WinPcap in C# (Packet capture)
WinPcap is a very useful tool which can enables users to capture windows packets. On their website they offer a development pack but only for C/C++ programmers. So this is why I decided to write my own (simple) class for capturing packets in C# importing the wpcap.dll . Before showing the code, you must know that in order for your program to run as it should in Windows Vista/7 you must run it as administrator, otherwise it won’t even find the (network) devices.
EtherCAT Vendor ID List
List of assigned and valid EtherCAT Vendor IDs sorted by Vendor ID.
This page was last updated on July 2, 2014.
Vendor ID ETG Member Department Predecessor Department
0x00000001 EtherCAT Technology Group (used for examples in documentation)
0x00000002 Beckhoff Automation GmbH Product Management
This page was last updated on July 2, 2014.
Vendor ID ETG Member Department Predecessor Department
0x00000001 EtherCAT Technology Group (used for examples in documentation)
0x00000002 Beckhoff Automation GmbH Product Management
2014年7月7日 星期一
LinuxCNC with EtherCAT
1)EtherCAT realtime HAL driver
This driver tries to provide an easy-to-expand framework for the connection of LinuxCNC to EtherCAT devices. Some of the often used Beckhoff devices like digital and analog I/O, encoder input and pulse train output are already supported just as the [Stöber] MDS5000 series of servo drives. The driver is based on [IgH's EtherCAT master] and builds a glue layer like the etherlab component. It consists of an userspace component for configuration and a RT HAL module for the data processing.
The config module reads in and parses a xml config file and provides a prepared form of configuration data via shared memory to the RT part. The RT module is organised in a global part that is common to all submodules and a .c and .h file for each supported (class off) hardware device.
Since this driver is sill under development you can find the code [here]. Feel free to test or review the code and send me suggestions and hints. There is a discussion thread about this driver in the [forum].
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