2014年7月30日 星期三





2014年7月17日 星期四

Wireshark with EtherCAT debug


EtherCAT is an open, high performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs. The EtherCAT protocol is optimised for process data and is transported directly within the standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frame using Ethertype 0x88a4. It may consist of several sub-datagrams, each serving a particular memory area of the logical process images that can be up to 4 gigabytes in size. The data sequence is independent of the physical order of the nodes in the network; addressing can be in any order. Broadcast, multicast and communication between slaves are possible. If IP routing is required, the EtherCAT protocol can be inserted into UDP/IP or TCP/IP datagrams. This also enables any control with Ethernet protocol stack to address EtherCAT systems.

Build EtherLAB master kernel



EtherLAB developed an EtherCAT master software that runs as a Linux kernel module. As a result, it is far faster than user-space implementation. However, building the Ethercat Master implementation with a Linux kernel requires to build it using the appropriate kernel version. As we build it with PREEMPT-RT, we shall have the appropriate version for the kernel, the PREEMPT-RT patch and Etherlab. It seems that the 2.6.33 release of the kernel meet these requirements.

2014年7月11日 星期五

IEC 61800-7

Die IEC 61800-7 ist eine internationale Norm für eine universelle Schnittstelle für einen Antrieb mit variabler Drehzahl mit dem Titel "Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems". Sie wird von der International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) herausgegeben. In der Norm wird diese abstrakte, universelle Schnittstelle auf vier unterschiedliche Antriebsprofile abgebildet und diese werden wiederum auf unterschiedliche Kommunikationsprofile von Feldbussen undindustriellem Ethernet abgebildet.

2014年7月10日 星期四

Win 7停止支援倒數!!!

微軟今年4月停止支援Windows XP,成功帶動企業換機潮,讓個人電腦(PC)市場今年看到回春的跡象。不知是否食髓知味,近日再傳微軟將在明年1月13日前,停止對Windows 7的主流支援服務,延伸支援則到2020年。

2014年7月9日 星期三

Using WinPcap in C# (Packet capture)

WinPcap is a very useful tool which can enables users to capture windows packets. On their website they offer a development pack but only for C/C++ programmers. So this is why I decided to write my own (simple) class for capturing packets in C# importing the wpcap.dll . Before showing the code, you must know that in order for your program to run as it should in Windows Vista/7 you must run it as administrator, otherwise it won’t even find the (network) devices.

EtherCAT Vendor ID List

List of assigned and valid EtherCAT Vendor IDs sorted by Vendor ID.
This page was last updated on July 2, 2014.

Vendor ID ETG Member Department Predecessor Department
0x00000001 EtherCAT Technology Group (used for examples in documentation)
0x00000002 Beckhoff Automation GmbH Product Management

2014年7月7日 星期一

LinuxCNC with EtherCAT

1)EtherCAT realtime HAL driver


This driver tries to provide an easy-to-expand framework for the connection of LinuxCNC to EtherCAT devices. Some of the often used Beckhoff devices like digital and analog I/O, encoder input and pulse train output are already supported just as the [Stöber] MDS5000 series of servo drives. The driver is based on [IgH's EtherCAT master] and builds a glue layer like the etherlab component. It consists of an userspace component for configuration and a RT HAL module for the data processing.
The config module reads in and parses a xml config file and provides a prepared form of configuration data via shared memory to the RT part. The RT module is organised in a global part that is common to all submodules and a .c and .h file for each supported (class off) hardware device.
Since this driver is sill under development you can find the code [here]. Feel free to test or review the code and send me suggestions and hints. There is a discussion thread about this driver in the [forum].




  • Profibus:由PROFIBUS國際組織所維護
  • CC-Link:由CLPA(CC-Link Partner Association)所維護
  • DeviceNet:一種CIP的實現方式,由Allen-Bradley公司所設計。
  • Ethernet PowerlinkEthernet Powerlink):是一種開放式的通訊協定,由Ethernet POWERLINK標準組織(Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group,簡稱EPSG)維護。
  • Modbus RTU 或 Modbus ASCII
  • Modbus/TCP
  • FINSFINS):歐姆龍(Omron)開發,可以在包括乙太網的幾種網路上使用的通訊協定。
  • Host Link:歐姆龍開發的串列通訊協定。
  • BSAP(Bristol Standard Asynchronous Protocol):由Bristol Babcock Inc發展的通訊協定。
  • SymotionSymotion):基於乙太網的實時運動控制匯流排。

Nuclear Fusor

Nuclear fusion is the process of squeezing two atoms together so tightly that their nuclei fuse, creating a heavier atom and releasing a blast of energy. Fusion creates the inferno inside the sun — and the hydrogen bomb — but no one has yet harnessed its enormous power for peaceful uses.
They’ve tried, however, often with skepticism. In 1989, physicists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced they’d achieved “cold fusion” of hydrogen into helium at room temperature, only to face withering scorn when others failed to replicate their results.
Luckily, DIY nuclear engineers can achieve honest-to-goodness “hot fusion” right at home by making a Farnsworth-Hirsch fusion reactor, or fusor for short.
